How To Increase Giving in Your Church

Increasing church giving and donations is a shared challenge for pastors — it’s not always easy to nurture a generous church culture that encourages giving.

That’s why we’ve pulled together some of our best resources to help you develop and execute a successful giving strategy. From general church giving tips to Giving Tuesday campaigns, our content is here to help you meet your donation goals.


Giving statistics and digital giving trends from the past few years and how you can use them to inform future giving strategies.

The State of Giving in the Church Today

Before looking at new ways to increase giving at your church, it’s helpful to look at church giving data and statistics in addition to digital giving trends. Learn how today’s lead pastors use these resources to inform their future giving strategies.

As you aim to evaluate your church’s state of giving and explore what giving looks like at other churches, these articles can help provide guidance.


Tips on How To Increase Recurring Church Giving

Recurring giving is the backbone of a healthy church. If you want to increase recurring church giving, you need to talk about it often and provide easy ways for people to donate. Here are some of our favorite ways you can encourage donations at any time during the year:

  1. Promote recurring giving
  2. Set a donation goal/budget increase
  3. Make sure mobile giving is set up
  4. Preach on giving once a quarter
  5. Campaign around the “summer slump”
  6. Plan for Giving Tuesday and Year-End-Giving

You can check out more details on these six ways to encourage donations in our blog How to Grow Church Giving As you encourage church donors to give, these articles will help you better incorporate giving into your church culture.


Tips and tricks to encourage your congregation to opt-in to recurring giving.


Why it’s crucial to offer some form of digital giving, the best digital giving tools your church can start using, and strategies to encourage your congregation to give digitally.

Why Mobile Giving + Church Apps Makes Sense

Mobile giving can have a very positive impact on your church’s engagement and budget. Give your congregation the comprehensive giving solutions they’ve been waiting for, complete with tools like a custom church app to drive recurring giving and make administration simple. Learn about mobile giving tools to help you get started, and how mobile tools can help you increase recurring giving in your church.



Why it’s so important to offer mobile giving, great mobile giving tools to help you get started, and how mobile tools can help you increase recurring giving in your church.


Tips on creating meaningful giving statements that will engage your congregation and how technology can simplify this process.

How to Easily Create Accurate Giving Statements

A church giving statement is an opportunity for celebration, instruction, and preparation. We put together articles to help you prepare and improve your annual giving statements. Learn tips on creating meaningful giving statements that will engage your congregation and how technology can simplify this process.


Giving Campaign Tips: Giving Tuesday, End-of-Year, and More

Giving campaigns can be great ways to organize your giving efforts and promote consistency across different platformsTwo of the most important giving campaigns churches create tend to be for Giving Tuesday and the end of the year. Check out our tips on how to increase giving during these high-volume periods.



How to thoughtfully approach year-end giving with great strategies and campaigns as well as ways to simplify year-end giving for your congregation.


How alternative payment methods can expand your donation base and lead to significant increases in overall giving.

Cryptocurrency, Stock, and Alternative Payment Methods

Accepting and encouraging alternative payment methods can expand your donation base and lead to significant increases in overall giving. By integrating these modern payment solutions, your church can demonstrate its commitment to embracing the technology tools necessary for forwarding your mission.


Get Started with Pushpay

Strengthen the impact of your ministry with one integrated suite that helps you encourage giving, nurture community and share your message.