A Better Parish Software Experience Awaits

Fill out the form to request a demo, see our software in action, and talk to an expert about how we can help you achieve your mission.

  • ChMS
  • APPS
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Simplify Stewardship

Boost generosity, grow donations, and support your parishioners through their faith journey with a best-in-class giving experience. Learn more.

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Know Your People

Catholic church management software that gives you more control, productivity, connections, and time for ministry. Learn more.

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Engage Your Parish

Grow into the future with a mobile-first strategy that nurtures discipleship with apps that every age group will enjoy. Learn more.

Bring It All Together

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Grow generosity and engagement with one powerful suite of easy-to-use giving, church management and engagement tools.

"Before Pushpay we were less than $100,000 a year (giving). After the first year with Pushpay giving jumped up to $120,000, then up to $200,000 then $360,000 and this last year giving was over half a million dollars received through Pushpay. The system does a lot of the work."

Chris Kozlowski, St. Isidore

"My favorite feature from Pushpay is the ability to create QR codes and for use in printed materials so people and parishioners can just take a picture of it and automatically give to whatever fund we have set up. "

Mary Batey, St. Anthony of Padua

"Before we started using Pushpay, it was easier to order a pizza on your phone than it was to give to our church. The first month of giving on Pushpay saw an immediate increase in participation and dollar amount."

Tracy Miesch, St. Anthony of Padua

Giving and Engagement Technology, Built for Your Parish