Offering Envelope Precautions and Risks for Your Church

  1. Always collect email and  mobile number in addition to name and address
  2. Clearly communicate security protocol (shredding)
  3. Never ask givers to provide their CVV/CVC code (need more clarity on this as sometimes it is required)
  4. Allow givers to identify the type of giving and any specific fund
  5. Always provide information about other giving options
  6. Brand the front of the envelope with your church’s name, logo, and URL.  Also include a short mission or vision statement from your church.
  7. Have a remittance flap on the front for added security

We want to help your church move towards financial breakthrough.

*Offering Envelopes – The IRS does not require churches to use offering envelopes. If used, they may help substantiate donations but are not necessary once a receipt or statement listing the donation has been received by the donor. Good practice would be to keep offering envelopes a reasonable time after receipts or statements have been issued so that disputes by donors can be resolved. One year after the due date of the tax for the return period to which the envelopes relate would be the minimum time to store envelopes; but longer is OK if storage is not a problem. Many churches put a statement on the receipt asking donors to verify the receipt is correct and report any discrepancies to the Treasurer or Financial Secretary. This note will also state that the envelopes will be retained by the church for a limited period and will be destroyed on a certain date.

encourage engagement with your congregation

Source: Records Retention Guide

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