How Christ Fellowship Church Had Such Great Success with its Conference App

As Christ Fellowship began evaluating options for its conference app, the team quickly focused on Pushpay. Find out what happened next…

We wanted to make it easy for the attendees to get the information they needed. The push notifications allowed us to communicate with people even if they were not in the building and got information and changes on breakouts, or whatever else was about to start. We also recognized that other churches that might not have an app yet would see its value in a church setting.

Cristian Garcia, Marketing Supervisor of Christ Fellowship Church


Like many growing multisite congregations, Christ Fellowship Church in West Palm Beach, FL, gets its share of questions from other churches. How do you build a meaningful church culture? How do you engage your whole church in missions? How do you handle security in the church?

To help answer these questions, Christ Fellowship launched its first-ever Christ Fellowship Conference in February of 2018 to help church leaders “lead with excellence, empower the next generation, and use creativity to bring life-change to the world.”


The staff at Christ Fellowship is always glad to answer questions, but there’s a limit to how much they can help in a simple email or phone call. With more than 900 church leaders attending the conference, Christ Fellowship needed a simple way to communicate to everyone, both on campus and off. Because they were trying to give attendees a glimpse into how Christ Fellowship did church, it made sense to do this through a mobile app.


Total downloads during conference week


Hosanna! As Christ Fellowship began evaluating options for its conference app, the team quickly focused on Pushpay. The church had partnered with Pushpay’s giving solution for several years and the experience had been smooth and effective.

After choosing Pushpay to provide the app, the church then focused on getting the word out to attendees about the new app. They sent an email to attendees with a download link for the app. They also included a link on the conference website. When it came time for the conference to start, they encouraged attendees who were present to download the app. More than two-thirds of attendees did so during the week of the conference.


With more than 900 people at Christ Fellowship’s inaugural church conference, the event succeeded on many levels. Nearly 700 people downloaded the app during the week of the conference, and Cristian believes it played a key role in the conference’s success. One important way it did this was by helping attendees navigate the church’s large campus.

“The campus map on the app was one of the most popular features , and a lot of people used it,” Cristian said. “They were able to see the rooms, the restrooms, and all the other areas they needed to visit during the conference. It was our best way of helping people maneuver around the campus.”

Christ Fellowship is already making plans for a future conference in February of 2019.

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678 total downloads during conference week

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