Taking Advantage of the Summer Slowdown To Fuel Ministry Growth

Ah, summertime—the season of lazy days by the pool, warm sunny weather, and…deep cleaning? Yes, that’s right! When the summer rolls around, it marks the beginning of a slower season for so many organizations. Schools take advantage of the summer break to scrub, sanitize, and tackle the special projects they never had time for during the busy school year. It makes sense—with no classes in session, it’s the perfect time to catch up on those tasks that fell by the wayside.

As I’ve watched my children’s schools take advantage of their summer break to really dig in and tackle projects, it got me thinking: could churches implement a similar “summer deep clean” to set themselves up for future success? 

Sure, summer may not signal a complete shutdown of church activities—staff still organize events, entertain kids with VBS, plan for the coming year, and more. But there’s no denying that this slower season is a chance to focus on the special projects you haven’t had time for. It’s the perfect opportunity to re-evaluate and make changes to your church tech without the pressure and distractions of the busier months. 

Getting Your House In Order

So, what does a deep clean for churches actually look like? 

Start by answering this: Have you noticed any potholes in the path of your ministry’s operations this past year? Your summer deep clean is the perfect time to address those issues so your team is set up for maximum efficiency in the fall. 

For some churches, getting your house in order might be cleaning up the data in your ChMS: going through your database, getting rid of duplicate entries, and updating old contact information. Or it may be evaluating your current digital tools and determining where you can benefit from an upgrade or a new platform entirely. 

Wondering which option is right for your church? The best place to start is the people leading and serving right alongside you. With insights from more than 2,200 church leaders in the 2023 State of Church Technology Report, you can find out how other churches are tackling technology-related priorities and concerns and make a plan for your own ministry! 


If those insights spark some ideas around updating your church tech, our tech assessment checklist is an easy next step. Picture it as a roadmap, ready to guide you through the evaluation process so you can benefit from streamlined systems and lasting ministry growth

Taking The Leap

Switching to a new digital provider can be intimidating. I totally understand why you might feel a bit hesitant to make the change, but let me tell you, if there was ever a time to consider making the switch and simplify administrative tasks, this is it.

After eight years with Pushpay, I’ve heard from so many churches that one of the biggest things holding them back is the fear of losing their consistent givers and crucial ministry funding. That’s why one of my favorite features our team has developed is recurring migration. I’ve seen how this can ease the transition for churches looking to make a change. It supports you in moving your recurring giving from one platform over to Pushpay, with templates and emails that make the process easy for you and your donors. And during the migration, you’ve got a real-time dashboard to track your progress and simplify follow up with donors. 

Eat the Elephant One Bite at a Time

A summer deep clean can be a game-changer—setting your ministry up for long-term success and helping you get back to what matters most.

I love when Desmond Tutu said, “There is only one way to eat an elephant: a bite at a time.” The same principle applies to making significant changes in your ministry. By breaking down the process into manageable steps, you can confidently tackle each one and make steady progress toward your goals.

If you’re staring down an elephant this summer, know that we’re here for you, ready to make the process as seamless and stress-free as possible. Don’t be afraid to take the leap and make a change. With a little bit of planning and support, you can transform your ministry’s tools and processes, setting yourself up for long-term success.


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