How Mosaic Used Their Digital Strategy To Thrive During Covid-19

For more Coronavirus Resources to Help you and Your Congregation Stay Connected When it’s Critical check out: The Church Leader’s Guide to Coronavirus: How to Continue Ministry During a Pandemic

As a multi-campus church existing in numerous countries and states, with a huge focus on missions and reaching a culturally relevant demographic, Mosaic has been investing in their digital strategy from the start. They’ve done so, not only because it aligns with one of their core values of “relevance to culture is not optional,” but because they saw firsthand the opportunity technology gives them to live out their first core value — “mission is why the church exists.”

That’s why, when faced with the difficult proposition of having to temporarily shut down weekend gatherings, Mosaic was better prepared than most–because they had already gone all-in on having the tools to facilitate creative and powerful online gatherings.

These are trying times for churches all around the U.S. and across all sorts of demographics, denominations, and cultures. Now, more than ever before, it’s important for people to stand together — which is why Mosaic has agreed to let us share some of what they’re doing through these trying times. We hope that some of it will be useful for churches in other contexts.


There really are two key pillars to every great church’s communication in these times: clarity and hope. Clarity, because your people need to know what’s going on, and hope, because these are worrisome times and the church has a unique opportunity to be a voice of assurance.

In a recent Instagram video, Mosaic’s Founder and Lead Pastor Erwin McManus clearly detailed what’s happening, how their church is reacting, and why they’ve made the choices they have in order to remain as a voice of hope. Their message is one of strength and courage.

Through Instagram and IGTV, Pastor Erwin has also been sharing daily videos filled with inspiring and thoughtful talks. He always ties his messages back to the ways that Jesus is moving, even through COVID-19. “We can also transmit hope and joy,” Pastor Erwin recently said.


Mosaic is offering weekly gatherings online by streaming powerful talks to the community all over the world on Saturday nights and all day Sunday. This past weekend, Mosaic had over 31,000 people from across the globe tune in to share in their vision of hope.

While there certainly are all sorts of church technology one can leverage at this time, not all of it is complicated. Mosaic is making use of Instagram Live by hosting quick, engaging Bible studies every day of the week. It’s a simple but powerful way to create a real feeling of community and hope.

They have also tapped into all of the potential that Zoom, a digital video meeting platform, can provide. For instance, Mosaic has a team of over 50 volunteers who are leading and hosting online bible studies for anyone, anywhere who wishes to join in and stay connected.

Online bible studies are offered for a variety of different groups including options for men, women, youth, college students, moms, couples, business professionals, and medical workers. They also offer bible studies in different languages such as Portuguese and Spanish.

With Zoom, the church has also found a way to continue their Mosaic College courses, which consist of numerous classes teaching subjects surrounding leadership and theology. Students tune in weekly to learn together–refusing to slow down even though they are unable to study in person at this time.

Mosaic wants to give their community every possible option for engaging with them outside of an in-person Sunday gathering. Anyone can easily head to their website and fill out a form requesting prayer or practical help they may need as they continue to face difficulties. Or, if a person desires to give back, they can also do so through Mosaic’s website or app.

mosaic church app

Most recently, to help those in need in their community, Pastor Erwin encouraged his community to donate essentials to shelters and resource centers for those who are experiencing homelessness. Volunteers utilized Mosaic’s Hollywood campus as one of three drop-off centers in Los Angeles.


More than just live streaming a weekend message, Mosaic is also providing videos as tools and resources for families with kids so they can continue to stay connected with their faith, even from the comfort of their own homes.

Using their YouTube Channel and website, Mosaic has created a place where parents can access videos which include lively skits, a range of fun activities, songs and crafts to get kids engaged and moving. The videos also highlight ideas and themes for parents to say, do, or think about with their children to encourage them to grow their faith. Click here to check out their Mosaic Kids videos and downloadable resources that accompany each week.

By embracing a digital strategy and the technology available to us today, Mosaic is ready to continue to stand together and be on mission through these trying times and beyond.

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“Relevance to culture is not optional.”

Erwin McManus
Lead Pastor