Facebook Live: How Churches Can Grow Engagement through Social Media

Livestreaming video is rapidly changing the way people communicate online. In our increasingly connected world, live video meets the demand for immediacy and raw authenticity.
Instead of simply pre-recording sermons for the church website, more and more churches are discovering how broadcasting live gives others a clearer understanding of their community’s priorities and culture. If you haven’t considered venturing into this area, it’s time you did. But which platform should you use?
There’s a lot of competition in the livestream space. You might have staff members pushing you toward a reputable platform like Periscope, but here are five good reasons to pour your energy into Facebook Live:

1. You already have a Facebook audience

Your staff only has so much bandwidth for maintaining multiple social media platforms. Instead of starting from scratch to build an audience for a new one (which you’ll likely do by inviting your existing Facebook followers to find you there), why not take advantage of the followers you already have?
Facebook is the most popular social media platform on the planet. It’s a good idea to invest where the people are already congregating.

2. Facebook Live is easy to use

If people can use Facebook, they can use Facebook Live. It’s really that simple. Every person on staff with administrative access to your Facebook page can easily share live video of your outreaches, Bible studies, children’s ministry events, services, and so much more!

3. Facebook prioritizes live video over other content

Facebook is giving preference to live videos. When you use Facebook Live, the people who have liked your page are immediately notified. You’d need to invest some advertising dollars to get that much attention for any other content on Facebook, and that’s a great reason to start using Facebook Live immediately!

4. Facebook archives live video

Your Facebook Live videos don’t disappear when you’re finished: They become archived content on your page. People that missed your initial broadcast or event can watch it any time, and you can even link to those videos in Tweets, emails, and other Facebook posts.
Offering live videos—which become viewable archived videos—gives your platform the best of both worlds.

5. You’re building on an existing platform

There’s a good chance that you can make a big splash on a new livestreaming platform, but it’s an audience built entirely around that one element of your ministry. If you start using Facebook Live, you’re creating a specific group that’s interested in experiencing your live videos. At the same time, you’re building your audience for this platform where you’re already invested.
The more content you have on Facebook, the better—especially when it communicates something valuable and unique about your church. That’s one of the best things about livestreaming video. As you inject life into your Facebook page by using live video, you’re going to strengthen the reach and impact of all the other content you post.

Help People Get Acquainted with Your Church

Live video will inform people about the character of your church and help them understand and appreciate its culture. The more you use it, the more impact it has. So make sure you’re using it for things like…

  • Various parts of your church service
  • Worship team rehearsals
  • Children’s Sunday school classes
  • Youth groups
  • Home groups

And remember, adding live video to your Facebook page is going to have a positive effect on that entire platform!

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