Everyone Will Hire Mobile App Developers This Year (But Your Church Shouldn’t!)

It’s a great day for mobile app developers!

According to an article on CNN.com, mobile app developer ranked as the best job in America for 2017. Not brain surgeon, engineer, or pet walker. The best career you can start this year is making mobile applications for smartphones.

Frankly, it’s easy to see why. With median salaries close to $100,000 and an expected 19 percent job growth over the next decade, it’s the perfect job to prepare your kids for.

The growth of the mobile app industry shouldn’t surprise anyone who has paid attention to cultural trends. Mobile technology represents $3.1 trillion of global GDP. $100 billion was spent on mobile advertising alone in 2016. In 2015, the average person spent nearly three hours every single day on a smartphone. That’s more than people spent on laptops or desktop computers.

Here’s the really good news for mobile app developers: 90 percent of that time was spent in mobile apps. That means tons of new work for mobile app developers. On New Year’s Day 2017, more than $240 million in sales came through the Apple App Store.

Companies will beg for the services of the best mobile app developers. Even mediocre developers can find a good amount of work these days.

So if your church hasn’t jumped into the mobile space yet, you need to make that a goal for 2017. It’s a key mission field today. If you don’t have a mobile app, you’re ignoring the most significant new mode of communication available today.

I know, you’ve got a help wanted ad already prepared for your favorite online job board. Maybe something like this:

WANTED: Top-notch mobile application developer needed. Must understand the local church. Needs to be a whiz with iOS and Android development tools. Will pay peanuts (but the extra salty kind).

But just don’t go there. Even if your church had the resources for a great mobile developer, it wouldn’t be a wise hire. And if one of your members tells you his grandson is a whiz with mobile apps, don’t be quick to sign on the bottom line. Instead, look for a Kingdom-minded outside partner.

Here are four critical reasons why:

1. You’ll benefit by working with a whole team of developers rather than just one

Technology changes too fast. You need enterprise-level support through mobile developers.

When you partner with a Kingdom-focused mobile engagement company, you’ll get the benefit of an entire team of developers, not just one. That means those who work on your mobile app will stay ahead of the curve. They’ll learn from their peers. They’ll tackle projects together. 

Pushpay has over 100 developers working to develop new app features based on how people in your community are interacting with your church. Features like Default to Recurring and church-focused push notifications help connect churches like yours with the people they serve. Talk to a Pushpay expert to see how our world-class custom app and giving platform can serve your church and community today.

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2. You can afford better developers

Mobile app developers aren’t cheap. Experienced, talented developers will require a financial commitment from your church that can’t be taken lightly. Get a cheap mobile developer, and you may get stuck with a problematic long-term commitment.

3. Your developers will have people who understand mobile app development as supervisors

If you’re like most church leaders, you know nothing about mobile app development. When you hire a developer, you have to supervise his or her work. If you work with an outside team, your developers will be supervised by experienced professionals. That’s a win for you.

4. You’ll have around-the-clock support

If your mobile app crashes in the middle of Sunday worship services, somebody will be available to help. That means mobile giving and mobile engagement won’t take a break for the weekend. A good mobile engagement company will have support whenever you need it.

Finding the Right Tech Partner

Kingdom-minded mobile engagement companies like Pushpay exist and are here to help. Find one that shares your values. Find one with a robust, enterprise-level development team.

Talk to a Pushpay expert today to learn how your church will benefit from a mobile app backed by dozens of world-class developers and how your community will benefit from improved engagement with your church. Click here to learn more.

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