How Branding Your Giving Page Can Grow Giving This Year

Branding matters. Every interaction people have with your community is a key connection point. Whether it’s a website, app, or sign at your church, it’s important to provide a consistent and memorable experience that feels like it’s all a part of a cohesive system. Beyond just being memorable, consistent branding can add to the trust people place in your organization.

But that’s not all.

Consistent branding across all of your platforms can make a huge difference in very tangible ways, too. For example, according to a blog by Cause Vox, donors are likely to give 15 percent more to a branded fundraiser page and 38 percent more over time. Now, that’s the sort of thing that adds up over time!

The reality is giving isn’t just a one-and-done moment anymore. And smart organizations everywhere are learning the more their giving experience is integrated into the everyday interactions people have with their church, the better.

In the past, we set up online and mobile giving pages with a logo front and center because it helped give a sense of security—people saw the right branding and knew they were giving through a secure platform. But the world has changed. Digital payments aren’t a fringe option anymore—they’re the way most people pay for goods and services, and donating to your church is no different. That’s why we’ve created the option for you to create a custom giving experience from start to finish. The Branded Experience is the key to moving from simple transactions to personal, integrated, and trusted giving moments that continually reinforce what your organization represents.

More Than Pretty Colors

Branding your giving experience isn’t an exercise in letting everyone know how much you love your logo—it’s a way to make your digital interactions stickier. In fact, we see Branded Experience help in three major ways:

1. Creating Consistency

Branded Experience keeps every element of your giving process built around the unique look and feel of your church’s brand. Whether someone gives online, through text, or in the app, the transition in color, logo, and messaging will be consistent. Not only does it create a less transactional giving experience, it also makes the entire donation process about the cause your donors care most about—your church.

2. Increasing Recognition

When the color of your giving experience matches the color of your website and logo, you help your donors recognize your church’s brand throughout the giving process. That means you get the same level of security with our hosted giving pages without the confusion of visiting differently branded pages.

3. Personalizing Giving

We love generic “No-Reply” thank you messages from software companies that resemble a pile of legal jargon. Okay, not really. But a customized thank-you message from your church’s leadership? That’s a different story. Branded Experience lets you create customized messages that tie every gift back to the mission and vision of the church.

Only the Beginning

Branded Experience is just one of many ways Pushpay is changing the way churches across the world engage their donors—in fact, it’s just the start.

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