Are Your Church Personnel Policies and Procedures Up to Date?

Prioritizing human resources is one of the most valuable practices a church leadership team can emphasize. It’s incredibly important that leadership take the time to regularly review their church policies to ensure they reflect not only the latest legal standards, but also the evolving needs and values of their community. Failure to do so can lead to misunderstandings, legal vulnerabilities and, most importantly, a drift from the principles they seek to uphold.

Moreover, outdated church policies might inadvertently signal to potential and current staff members that their well-being and professional growth are not priorities. Individuals seek environments that honor their contributions and foster their development, so a lack of attention to policy and procedure can be a significant barrier to attracting and retaining the talented individuals who help your church community thrive.

At the heart of it, updating your church personnel policies and procedures is an act of stewardship and love. It creates a foundation that supports your staff and volunteers, and ensures your collective mission is carried out in a way that honors every individual’s contributions. It’s an acknowledgment that the ways in which you manage and support your church leadership team must evolve to meet the challenges and opportunities of today.

Three Key Areas to Review and Update

1. Employment and Hiring Practices

The processes churches employ in hiring and onboarding new members carry profound significance. Updating your church hiring policy, including thorough background checks and steadfast commitment to equal opportunity employment, reflects your dedication to creating a space where every church staff member feels welcomed, valued, and empowered to thrive.

Take the time to make sure that every team member has an accurate job description, a clear understanding of their employee benefits, and easy access to the employee handbook.

2. Workplace Safety and Compliance

When looked at through a Biblical lens, revisiting your policies to ensure they align with current health guidelines and safety protocols becomes an act of care and responsibility for every individual that’s chosen to serve on your church’s staff. Workplace safety and compliance laws vary by state, so be sure to look into your local laws and update your policies accordingly. Keep in mind that, though OHSA exempts church staff who perform religious services from its rules, administrative staff are covered by OHSA.

3. Employee Conduct and Conflict Resolution

Fostering a culture of respect, understanding, and kindness among staff and volunteers is essential for maintaining the unity and spirit of the Church’s mission. This makes the need for clear guidelines on employee conduct and effective conflict resolution procedures paramount. By establishing and regularly updating these guidelines, you not only provide a framework for addressing disagreements, but also affirm your commitment to fostering an environment where every individual feels heard, respected, and valued. Life.Church has an employee handbook available to be used as a model as you reevaluate your own handbook.

Incorporating Technological Advances

The introduction of online giving, church management software, and virtual community engagement tools are testaments to the church’s resilience and adaptability.

Adapting to these changes means reimagining your approach to ministry and community engagement. Every time you re-evaluate your church tech, there is an opportunity to further tap into the potential of technology to amplify your message and expand your reach.

Adapting to Remote Work Possibilities

The shift towards remote and hybrid work environments presents a unique opportunity for church personnel. Adapting your policies to accommodate these new work models is an opportunity to provide flexibility for your staff—particularly your administrative team. It acknowledges the diverse realities and needs of your team members and offers them the freedom to contribute in ways that honor their circumstances and well-being. Remote work works!

Data Privacy and Online Security

As churches embrace online giving, church management software, and digital communication platforms, the importance of policies that address data privacy and online security cannot be overstated.

Updating your policies to ensure robust online security and data privacy measures is not just a procedural necessity—it’s a duty of both the Church and the software system that each local ministry uses.

At Pushpay, we believe it’s our duty to protect the church’s data. That’s why we place such an emphasis on it! Visit Pushpay’s Security page for more information on the steps that we take to protect your congregation’s information.

Consulting with Legal Experts

Just as you seek spiritual counsel to navigate life’s moral and ethical dilemmas, so too must we seek legal counsel to ensure your church policies reflect the current legal landscape.

A partnership with legal experts is not just a procedural step; it’s an act of stewardship, safeguarding your mission and the community you serve.

Regular Legal Audits

Just as a gardener regularly tends to their plants, checking for signs of distress or disease, so must you conduct regular legal audits of your policies. These audits are the pruning shears and watering cans of your legal garden, ensuring that every policy is healthy, compliant, and vibrant. By embracing the discipline of regular legal audits, you not only protect your community but also cultivate an environment where trust and transparency flourish.

Review and Update Cycle

Establishing such a review cycle serves as a testament to your commitment to resilience and adaptability. It encourages church staff to remain vigilant and responsive to the ebb and flow of church dynamics and societal shifts. This cyclical approach ensures that your policies are not static relics, but living documents that breathe and grow with your community.


This endeavor is not just about adhering to legal standards—it’s about forging a path of integrity, care, and foresight for your church. By taking proactive steps to regularly review and update your policies, you not only ensure effective and compliant church management but also reaffirm a commitment to the well-being and growth of the community.

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