Webinar Replay: Increasing Generosity in Church—Your Next 100 Days

When we talk about a topic as complex as creating a culture of generosity, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. The problem can seem too big to solve, and so we focus our attention instead on the urgent needs.

We Spend Time Putting Out Fires instead of Building a Foundation for Sustainable Growth

This isn’t a healthy long-term strategy. There’s a better way. And this is exactly what we talk about in our webinar, Your Next 100 Days. With help from Jim Sheppard, CEO of Generis, we break down the complex generosity issue into four digestible phases:

  • Estimated dates to complete each phase
  • A quick church generosity analysis to establish a baseline
  • Specific action steps to take both personally, and with your leadership team
  • Best practices of the tools need to pull this off
  • How to form stronger connections with more of your church attendees
  • How to increase your footprint and influence within your local communit

Final note: we recommend sitting down with your core leadership team when you do watch the webinar. It’s a great conversation starter and helps to build alignment towards a common goal: a culture of generosity in your church.


To learn more about how Pushpay’s mobile tools can help create a culture of generosity in your church, click here.

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If you have any additional questions from the webinar, drop them in the comments below. We’ll get them answered.

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