Pastor’s Guide
for an Impactful Easter

Easter is more than just another Sunday. It brings the reminder of hope, the chance to tell the greatest story ever told, and a new set of challenges for pastors, and likely more people ready to listen. To help you better prepare for the opportunities and challenges the Easter season brings, we’ve curated resources with strategies and practical steps to make this Easter your most impactful one yet!

Planning Your Best Easter Service Ever

Easter is easily the most important time of the year, with more people attending church services across this weekend than any other. Here are a collection of resources filled with actionable steps and insights to help you pull off an excellent Easter service.


Learn how to level up your Easter services with a comprehensive strategy, from the tech your team needs to ready-to-use marketing templates.

Engaging Your Congregation Before and After Easter

Easter is a great opportunity for churches to connect with new guests and re-engage those irregular regular attendees. Learn the strategies and tools your church needs to welcome, engage, and keep church members coming back all year long.


We’ve gathered these resources in an attempt to answer the question, “How do you sustain the momentum gained from Easter?”

Encourage Generosity on Easter and Beyond

Easter is the time to share the good news and celebrate the resurrection. But most pastors are also thinking, “How can I lead my congregation in a way that also encourages generosity?” This is the time to give first-time guests hope, remind your community of the impact of the Easter story, and inspire everyone to take the next step in their faith journey.


Learn trusted tips to see giving increase and hear firsthand how Hosanna Church used Pushpay to increase their Easter giving by 66% year over year.

Learn more about how Pushpay can help you serve your congregation during the Easter season and year round.